free pregnancy helpline: contact a midwife today

free pregnancy helpline: contact a midwife today

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Free Pregnancy Helpline

We know that sometimes you just need some reassurance from a midwife, that’s why we have a dedicated email helpline staffed by qualified midwives, to answer your questions and give guidance.

At certain times, our helpline can be very busy. We always aim to respond within 48 hours. It’s also important to note that our helpline is not an emergency line. If you need urgent care, be sure to call the appropriate emergency services.

If you're ready to submit your email then scroll down to the form below to be put in touch with a midwife.

For emergencies:

If you're worried about your baby's movements, early labour, bleeding or anything else then call your local triage department - the number should be on the front of your notes. If you're over 18 weeks then you can go into triage, if you're under 18 weeks then it's likely you'd be redirected to A&E.

Contact a Midwife