6 Weeks Pregnant
How Big is Baby at 6 Weeks?
At 6 weeks, your baby is about the size of a lentil or a small pea, measuring approximately 0.25 inches. Despite being tiny, your baby is developing very quickly. The major organs, including the heart, lungs and kidneys are beginning to form. The neural tube, which becomes the brain and spinal cord, is also developing. Also, this week marks the beginning of what will become your baby’s face, with small indentations where the eyes and nostrils will grow.
Your Body at Week 6
Your body is preparing to support your growing baby. You might not see a baby bump yet, but hormonal changes are happening. The hormone progesterone is increasing, which is essential for maintaining the pregnancy. Physically, you might not notice much difference, but internally, your uterus is gradually expanding. The increase in blood volume to support your developing baby might cause you to feel more tired than usual. It’s also common to experience slight cramping as your uterus adjusts.
Pregnancy Symptoms at Week 6
Common symptoms include:
- Nausea and Vomiting: Often referred to as morning sickness, although this can occur at any time of the day, and is one of the more unpleasant symptoms to deal with.
- Fatigue: The increased progesterone levels can make you feel unusually tired and make you want to take frequent naps.
- Breast Changes: Your breasts may feel tender and swollen due to hormonal shifts.
- Mood Swings: Hormonal changes can cause emotional ups and downs.
- Frequent Urination: As your uterus grows, it begins to press on your bladder, leading to more frequent trips to the bathroom.
- Food Aversions and Cravings: You might start noticing strong aversions to certain smells and tastes, along with cravings for specific foods.
Mood swings can be difficult to cope with, and communicating with your partner about them is essential, as is seeking support from friends, family, or a professional if needed.
For frequent urination, try to reduce fluid intake before bedtime but ensure you stay hydrated throughout the day.
If you’re dealing with pregnancy sickness, It is better to eat small, frequent meals, rest as much as possible, and try ginger biscuits.
Sore breasts? Ditch the underwired bras and go for something soft.
Nutrition and Lifestyle Tips
Try and eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. This may be hard if you’re suffering from nausea, so please don’t worry if you need to eat whatever you can keep down. Try and stay hydrated and consider prenatal vitamins. Folic acid is particularly important for the baby’s neural tube development at this stage. You can pick up folic acid from any high street pharmacist.
It’s important to limit your intake of certain foods that pose risks during pregnancy, such as unpasteurised dairy, undercooked meats, and certain types of fish high in mercury, such as tuna.
Moderate exercise like walking can be beneficial, but avoid strenuous or high-impact activities such as climbing and boxing. Exercise can still be part of your routine, but listening to your body and avoiding overexertion is crucial. Yoga and swimming are excellent low-impact options.
Medical Care and Check-ups
You don’t tend to get any prenatal checkups in the 1st trimester except for your booking appointment and 12-week scan. At week 6, you could visit your GP, and if this isn’t your first baby and you want to de-brief your previous birth during this pregnancy, then you could request a birth de-brief.
Week 6 is also a good time to discuss any medications you’re taking to ensure they are safe during pregnancy.
Emotional Well-Being
It’s normal to experience a range of emotions during this time. Feelings of excitement, anxiety, or even fear are common. Seek support from loved ones, and don’t hesitate to discuss your feelings with your healthcare provider.
Pregnancy can be overwhelming, and it’s important to prioritise your mental health. Meditation and mindfulness can also be helpful in managing stress and anxiety.