How Big is Baby at 25 Weeks?
At 25 weeks, your baby is still rapidly growing and developing. The average foetus at this stage measures about 34.6cm from head to heel and weighs approximately 1.5 pounds, or 700g. This size is comparable to that of a courgette. However, it’s important to remember that foetal sizes can vary significantly, and your doctor or midwife is the best source for understanding your baby’s specific growth.
This might sound revolting, but much of the amniotic fluid is comprised of your baby’s urine, which acts to cushion the foetus and help keep the temperature stable.
Your baby will now be reacting to loud noises by punching and kicking, which will probably startle you!
Your Body at 25 Weeks
As your baby grows, your body continues to adjust. By week 25, you might have gained between 15 and 18 pounds, though this can vary. Your uterus is now the size of a football, which can cause some noticeable physical changes and symptoms.
It is very common at this stage to have a lot of water retention which will make your face, hands and feet look puffy and swollen. This can also be a sign of pre-eclampsia though, so it’s worth having your blood pressure checked to be on the safe side. If you have this condition you will also have other symptoms such as splitting headaches and vision problems.
Common Symptoms at Week 25
Gestational Diabetes Screening: Around this time, you’ll likely undergo screening for gestational diabetes, a high blood sugar condition that can develop during pregnancy.
Backaches and Pain: The increasing weight can put a strain on your back, leading to discomfort. Maintaining good posture and wearing supportive footwear can help alleviate some of this pain.
Swollen Ankles and Feet: Swelling in the ankles and feet, known as oedema, is common. It’s important to stay hydrated, avoid standing for long periods, and elevate your feet when possible.
Braxton Hicks Contractions: These are “practise” contractions and are usually painless. They’re your body’s way of preparing for labour.
Sleep Issues: Finding a comfortable sleeping position can be challenging as your bump grows. Using pregnancy pillows and sleeping on your side might provide some relief.
Heartburn and Indigestion: As your uterus expands, it can press against your stomach and lead to heartburn or indigestion. Eating smaller, more frequent meals can help, as can avoiding spicy food.
Nutrition and Exercise at 25 Weeks
Eating a balanced diet and staying active with gentle exercise are crucial. Focus on foods rich in calcium, iron, and protein. Staying hydrated is also very important. Gentle exercises like prenatal yoga, walking, and swimming can be beneficial. However, always consult with your doctor before starting or continuing any exercise routine during pregnancy.
Preparing for Baby
This is also a time to start preparing for the arrival of your new baby. You might want to start thinking about baby names, setting up the nursery, and understanding the basics of newborn care. Prenatal classes can be a great resource for first-time parents.
You will also want to inform your employer, if you haven’t already, to ensure you get your maternity pay and any benefits. Some fathers also like to take paternity leave.
Emotional Well-being
Pregnancy can be an emotional rollercoaster. Hormonal changes can contribute to mood swings. It’s important to prioritise your mental health. Talking to friends, family, or a professional can provide support. Don’t feel ashamed to ask for help.
Looking Ahead
As you approach the third trimester, regular prenatal visits will become more frequent. These appointments are crucial for monitoring the health of both you and your baby.
By staying informed and proactive about your health and the baby’s development, you can confidently prepare for what lies ahead. Remember, every pregnancy is unique, so it’s essential to keep in close contact with your doctor or midwife for personalised advice and support.