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The Butterbean Guide to: Homebirth


If you want to give birth at home, you can face challenges in making your wishes a reality. These challenges can come from friends and family or even your health care team. There tends to be a belief that home births are dangerous but in actually fact they’re just as safe, if not safer than a hospital birth. This guide covers everything including how to plan a home birth, what you’ll need to prepare, what your care looks like at home, your human rights (so you can advocate for yourself if you want a home birth), pain relief at home and common misconceptions / myths about home births.

Full Description

If you want to give birth at home, you can face challenges in making your wishes a reality. These challenges can come from friends and family or even your health care team. There tends to be a belief that home births are dangerous but in actually fact they’re just as safe, if not safer than a hospital birth. This guide covers everything including how to plan a home birth, what you’ll need to prepare, what your care looks like at home, your human rights (so you can advocate for yourself if you want a home birth), pain relief at home and common misconceptions / myths about home births.


  • Feel more confident in your choices, more informed and in control.
  • Make your home birth happen! Advocate for yourself if you face challenges in arranging your home birth.
  • Increase your chances of feeling positive about your birth by making your place of birth happen – at home. 

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